Home > Terms > Bośniacki (BS) > anatomija
The physical structure of the body. Understanding the words used to express positioning on a dog’s body helps a great deal in understanding veterinary lingo. For the directions below, the dog is standing in the center of a room with his head facing the north wall. # On the body:
- Dorsal toward the ceiling or back
- Ventral toward the floor or belly
- Cranial, or anterior toward the north wall or head
- Caudal, or posterior toward the south wall or butt
- Lateral toward the east or west wall or side
- Medial toward the midline, away from the east or west walls
- On the limbs:
- Proximal toward the body
- Distal away from the body
- Palmar the front foot pads
- Plantar the rear foot pads
- Movement:
- Flexion decreasing a joint’s angle
- Extension increasing a joint’s angle.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
- Blosariusze:
- Branża/Dziedzina: Opieka Weterynaryjna
- Kategoria: Opieka weterynaryjna
- Company:
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