Created by: Robert Derbyshire
Number of Blossarys: 4
English (EN)
Malay (MS)
Greek (EL)
Russian (RU)
Swahili (SW)
Romanian (RO)
French (FR)
Vietnamese (VI)
Albanian (SQ)
Japanese (JA)
Arabic (AR)
French, Canadian (CF)
Bulgarian (BG)
Serbian (SR)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Italian (IT)
Farsi (FA)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Hungarian (HU)
Indonesian (ID)
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German (DE)
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Afrikaans (AF)
English, UK (UE)
Kazakh (KK)
Sinhalese (SI)
Malay (MS)
Greek (EL)
Russian (RU)
Swahili (SW)
Romanian (RO)
French (FR)
Vietnamese (VI)
Albanian (SQ)
Japanese (JA)
Arabic (AR)
French, Canadian (CF)
Bulgarian (BG)
Serbian (SR)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Italian (IT)
Farsi (FA)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Hungarian (HU)
Indonesian (ID)
Swedish (SV)
German (DE)
Dutch (NL)
Afrikaans (AF)
English, UK (UE)
Kazakh (KK)
Sinhalese (SI)
A blog which is focused on political advocacy (normally) through activist content.
Blogi inayozingatia kwa utetezi wa kisiasa (kwa kawaida)kupitia kwa yaliyomo ya wana harakati.
A blog which collects information from a number of other blogs, presenting the most interesting information in summarized form.
Blogi inayokusanya taarifa kutoka kwa kundi la blogi zingine, ikiwasilisha taarifa inayofurahisha zaidi kwa aina iliyofupishwa.
To beg via one's blog, for information or money. A related term is 'blegger'.
Kusihi kupitia blogi ya mtu, kwa ajili ya taarifa au pesa. Neno linalohusiana ni 'blegger'
A legal blog, written by lawyers or those interested in legal affairs.
blogi ya kisheria, iliyoandikwa na mawakili au wale wanaopendezwa na maswala ya kisheria.
Generally outward-facing blogs run by corporate marketing departments, to communicate with customers and peers, but these can also be blogs written about business issues.
Blogi zinazoangalia nje kijumla zinazoendeshwa na idara za uuzaji wa shirika, kuwasiliana na wateja na wana rika , lakini hizi pia zinaweza kuwa blogi zilizoandikwa kuhusu maswala ya kibiashara
An extremist blogger (for whatever ideology), as referred to maliciosly by subscribers to opposing ideologies.
Mwana blogi aliyekithiri (kwa itikadi yoyote ile),kama inavyorejelewa kihatarishi na wateja kwa itikadi zinazopinga.
A strong repulsion to the idea of writing a blog entry that day.
Kupinga kwa nguvu wazo la kuandika ingizo la blogi siku hiyo.
A visual chart representing the manifold links between blogs and bloggers.
Chati ya kuonyesha inayowakilisha viunganishi mbalimbali kati ya blogi na wana blogi.
The intelligentsia in the blogosphere: the most intelligent, famous and read bloggers.
Akili katika maeneo ya blogi: wana blogi wenye werevu zaidi, wanaojulikana na wanaosomwa.
A viewpoint expressed so consistently and stubbornly in a blog that it makes people sick.
Mtazamo ulioelezewa kwa udhabiti na kwa usumbufu katika blogi yakwamba huwafanya watu kuwa wagonjwa.
A blog which has an extremely high rate of output of articles.
Blogi iliyo na kiwango cha juu sana cha pato la makala.
The anniversary of the establishment of a blog; its "birthday".
Maadhimisho ya kuanzishwa kwa blogi; \"siku yake ya kuzaliwa\".
A list of links to other blogs, in the sidebar of a blog.
Orodha ya viunganishi kwa blogi zingine katika mwambaa upande wa blogi.
The equivalent of writer's block, this is when a blogger cannot think of anything to write about.
Ni sawa na uzuiaji wa mwandishi, huu ni wakati ambapo mwana blogi hawezi kufikiria chochote cha kuandika juu yake.
A regular blog reader who never leaves any comments; alternatively, one who reads many blogs but has none of his or her own.
Msomaji wa blogi wa kila mara ambaye haachi maoni yoyote; badala yake, yule anayesoma blogi nyingi lakini hana yake mwenyewe.
A lesser "meme", this is a concept or point within an article.
Lesa \"meme\", hii ni dhana au hoja ndani ya makala.
A turing test to protect comment sections from automated spam. A trademark of Carnegie Mellon University, it actually stands for 'completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart'.
Alama ya biashara ya Chuo Kikuu cha Carnegie Mellon, kwa hakika humaanisha 'jaribio tana la uma lililowekwa kiotomatiki kikamilifu kuambia mitambo na wanadamu kando'.
Off-topic commercial remarks, made in a blog's comment section, and generally containing links. The comments may seem innocuous, but contain links to dubious sites from the personal details.
Matamshi ya kibiashara yaliyo nje ya mada, yaliyofanywa kwenye sehemu ya maoni ya blogi, na yaliyo na uhusiano kijumla
Visible html or other coding on a page, owing to incorrect coding.
Html inayoonekana au usimbaji mwingine kwenye ukurasa, inayotokana na usimbaji usio sawa.
A biz blog established to communicate the company's viewpoint on a public relations crisis.
biz blog imara kuwasiliana mtazamo wa kampuni juu ya mgogoro wa mahusiano ya umma.
A blog reader who posts comments in the comments section.
msomaji blog ambao posts maoni katika sehemu ya comments.
Otherwise known as old media, this means printed paper newspapers and magazines.
Inayojulikana kama vyombo vya habari vya zamani, hii ina maana magazeti karatasi zilizochapishwa na magazeti.
Consciously leaving out several words from a quotation to launch an attack on the quoted person.
Uangalifu kuondoka nje maneno kadhaa kutoka quotation kuanzisha mashambulizi juu ya mtu alinukuliwa.
Acronym used in online correspondence, where any words communicated should not be posted on the other person's blog.
Kifupi kutumika katika mawasiliano ya mtandao, ambapo maneno yoyote aliwasiliana lazima kuwa posted kwenye blog ya mtu mwingine.
Acronym used in online correspondence, where any words communicated should not be posted on the other person's blog.
Kifupi kutumika katika mawasiliano ya mtandao, ambapo maneno yoyote aliwasiliana lazima kuwa posted kwenye blog ya mtu mwingine.
A blog established to only cover a specific event, generally open only for a limited time.
blog imara tu cover tukio maalum, kwa ujumla wazi kwa muda mdogo tu.
To use search engines to quickly check the validity of a claim made in the press.
Kutumia injini ya utafutaji kwa haraka kuangalia uhalali wa madai yaliyotolewa katika vyombo vya habari.
Kufanya uadui, mara nyingi binafsi remark katika blog.
Derived from the journalist Robert Fisk, this is to meticulously deconstruct an article in a critical manner.
Inayotokana na mwandishi wa habari Robert Fisk, hii ni kwa meticulously deconstruct makala katika hali ya hatari.
A hostile disagreement between two parties, carried out via the Internet.
kutokubaliana uhasama kati ya pande mbili, uliofanywa kupitia mtandao.
To smatter a blog with a number of SEO-friendly keywords, to increase Google ranking.
Kwa smatter blog na idadi ya maneno SEO-kirafiki, kuongeza Google cheo.
A blog which is maintained by more than one contributing writer.
blog ambayo ni iimarishwe na zaidi ya mwandishi mmoja kuchangia.
A mild addiction to refreshing one's browser to see if the hit counter or comments section on one's blog has increased.
madawa ya kulevya kali kwa browser refreshing moja kuona kama hit counter au maoni ya sehemu ya juu ya blog ya mtu imeongezeka.
Abusive term for bloggers expressing irrational and subjective viewpoints.
Matusi mrefu kwa wanablogu kutoa maoni irrational na subjective.
A dispute about an issue contested between two or more blogs.
mgogoro juu ya suala hilo waligombea kati ya blogu mbili au zaidi.
A diary-like blog, the most common type of blog.
Generally mundane journal bloggers, this can also refer to those who blog exclusively about their cats.
Kwa ujumla mundane journal wanablogu, hii inaweza pia kutaja wale blog juu ya paka peke yao.
Software and website which rely on users not checking their terms and conditions before consenting, and share their email addresses with spammers.
Programu na tovuti ambayo si kutegemea kwa watumiaji wa kuangalia masharti yao na masharti kabla ya kukubali, na sehemu yao anwani ya barua pepe na spammers.
A blog focused on language learning, linguistics, translation etc.
blog ililenga katika kujifunza lugha, lugha, nk tafsiri
When a blog is linked by multiple sites or blogrolls in a short time.
Wakati blog ni wanaohusishwa na maeneo mbalimbali au blogrolls katika muda mfupi.
Bloggers who prioritize others linking to their blog over everything else.
Wanablogu ambao kipaumbele wengine kuunganisha na blog zao juu ya kila kitu kingine.
As opposed to the blogosphere, this refers to the conventional, old media.
Kinyume na ulimwengu wa blogu, hii ina maana ya kawaida vyombo vya habari, mzee.
An idea formed on the Internet, which is kept alive, spread and replicated by Internet users.
wazo sumu kwenye mtandao, ambayo ni agizo hai, kuenea na kuigwa kwa watumiaji wa Internet.
Subverting the meaning of a well-known concept or phrase by changing the wording.
Subverting maana ya dhana maalumu au fungu kwa kubadilisha maneno.
Using a variety of different SEO and spamming techniques to propegate memes.
Kutumia aina ya SEO tofauti na mbinu spamming kwa propegate memes.
Presidential blogging', when the president or CSO of a company bypasses the PR apparatus of the company to blog directly, to achieve some impact.
Mabalozi wa rais, wakati rais au asasi ya kampuni ya vifaa vya bypasses PR ya kampuni ya blog moja kwa moja, ili kufikia baadhi ya matokeo.
A 'progressive weblog', which expresses left wing political views.
'Maendeleo weblog', inayoeleza kushoto mrengo wa maoni ya kisiasa.
Googling oneself to see one's own prominence and SEO.
Googling mwenyewe kuona mtu mwenyewe umaarufu na SEO.
Blogging kuhusu mabalozi na ulimwengu wa blogu.
The refutation of another's views, but in a mellow and humorous way.
refutation ya maoni ya mtu mwingine, lakini kwa njia tulivu na humorous.
A blog run from a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet PC. They are generally photo journals, and not text intensive.
blog kukimbia kutoka kwa simu ya mkononi, kama smartphone au PC kibao. Wao kwa ujumla photo majarida, na si Nakala kubwa.
Printed and visual media, such as newspapers and major network television.
Kimechapishwa na kuona vyombo vya habari, kama vile magazeti na televisheni kubwa ya mtandao.
A link to a specific article in the archives of a blog, which will remain valid after the article is archived.
zilizounganishwa na makala maalum katika nyaraka za blog, ambayo itabakia halali baada ya makala ni jalada.
To make wild accusations and promote conspiracy theories with no regard for the truth.
Kufanya shutuma mwitu na kukuza nadharia njama bila kujali ukweli.
A blog set up to chronicle a business project. Alternatively, Amazon. Com offers personalized weblogs, which they call "plogs".
blog kuanzisha mradi wa bohari ya biashara. Vinginevyo, Amazon. Com inatoa weblogs kibinafsi, ambayo wao wanaiita "plogs".
Googling oneself to see one's own prominence and SEO.
Googling mwenyewe kuona mtu mwenyewe umaarufu na SEO.
A blog focused on news punditry, with discussion of stories currently running in the established media.
blog ililenga habari punditry, na majadiliano ya hadithi sasa mbio katika vyombo vya habari imara.
Online code which enters unsolicited comment spam on websites and blogs.
Online alama ambayo inaingia unsolicited maoni taka kwenye tovuti na blogu.
A blog which has been created purely as the link destination for spam messages, left automatically on other blogs.
blog ambayo imeanzishwa rena kama marudio ya kiungo kwa ajili ya ujumbe spam, kushoto moja kwa moja kwenye blogs nyingine.
A blog centered around comic strips, either pertaining to cartoons/comics or featuring graphics of that nature.
blog yalijikita katika vikatuni, ama zinazohusiana na katuni / Jumuia au akishirikiana graphics ya asili hiyo.
A blog focused on a particular technical subject. Tech blogs are one of the primary forms of blogs.
blog kulenga mada fulani kiufundi. Tech blogs ni moja ya aina ya msingi ya blogs.
A series of comments in the public comment section of a blog, which follow a conversational sequence.
mfululizo wa maoni katika sehemu ya maoni ya umma wa blog, ambayo kufuata mlolongo mazungumzo.
To post a provocative article, with the sole intention of generating angry response and experiencing higher hit rates.
Na baada ya makala ya kuchukiza, kwa nia ya pekee ya kuzalisha kukabiliana na hasira na kupitia viwango hit ya juu.
A test to determine whether a commenting party is a human or a computer program.
kupima na kuamua kama chama kutoa maoni ni ya binadamu au programu ya kompyuta.
An exchange of links between blogs; if you blogroll to my blog, I will link to yours.
badala ya viungo kati ya blogs, kama wewe blogroll na blog yangu, nami zilizounganishwa na yako.
A blog which is dedicated to covering terrorism and the war on terrorism, as well as the Middle East conflict.
blog ambayo ni kujitolea na kifuniko ugaidi na vita dhidi ya ugaidi, pamoja na migogoro ya Mashariki ya Kati.
An arrangement between blogs to link to each other.
utaratibu kati ya blogs zilizounganishwa na kila mmoja.