Home > Blossary: Famous soft drink
List shows some of the most famous soft drinks, and also gives information regarding level of Caffeine in each.

Category: Food

7 Terms

Created by: farooq92

Number of Blossarys: 47

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Coca Cola could be considered the earliest "energy drink" - although not marketed as such - it was one of the first carbonated drinks to contain caffeine. The drink was first made in 1886 - where it supposedly had a very small level of cocaine in it - due to the extract of coca leaf being an ingredient. However, given that the formula has always remained secret - this may simply be an embellishment. The Diet Coke range actually contains about 40% more caffeine per fluid ounce than the standard coke formula. Coca-cola Blak has the largest amount of caffeine of any coca-cola drink.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Soft drinks

Coca-Cola podria ser considerada la primera "beguda energètica" - encara no comercialitzats com a tal - va ser una de les begudes carbonatades primers que contenen cafeïna. La beguda feia primer el 1886 - on suposadament tenia un nivell de cocaïna en ella - a causa de l'extracte de la fulla de coca és un ingredient molt petit. No obstant això, atès que la fórmula sempre ha romàs secreta - això pot simplement ser un adorn. Gamma de the Diet Coke en realitat conté aproximadament un 40% més de cafeïna per unça de fluid que la fórmula de la Coca-Cola estàndard. Coca-Cola negre té la major quantitat de cafeïna de qualsevol beguda de Coca-Cola.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Soft drinks

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