Kategoria: Education
Created by: alicebratis
Number of Blossarys: 5
Membru al corpului profesoral cu o poziţie imediat sub cea de profesor.
1. Durata unui anume program de studiu (care nu trebuie să coincidă cu anul calendaristic) eşalonat în perioade intermediare (semestre) şi care se încheie de obicei cu o evaluare a rezultatelor ...
Proces de examinare a unei instituţii sau a unui program, centrat în primul rând pe responsabilizarea acestora, prin care se evaluează dacă sunt indeplinite scopurile şi obiectivele declarate ...
Amount of work in terms of teaching, evaluation or guidance of students, that a member of the teaching staff must carry on in accordance with the statute of the teaching staff.
A standardized method for collecting and reporting critical operational data in a way that enables relevant comparisons among the performances of different organizations or programmes, usually with a ...
The loss or gain of skilled intellectual and technical labor through the movement of such labor to more favorable geographic, economic, or professional environments.
Second cycle of university studies assuring thoroughgoing study in the license field studies or in a related one, the development of scientific research abilities and constituting a preparatory ...