Created by: karen.west
Number of Blossarys: 1
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English, UK (UE)
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Estonian (ET)
Able to form two or more mature cell types within a tissue. For example, neural stem cells that can create a subset of neurons in the brain are oligopotent.
the use of cloning technology to create a child.
the use of cloning technology to help in the search for possible cures and treatments for diseases and disabilities.
the process by which stem cells acquire the features of specialized adult cells such as those found in heart, brain and pancreatic tissue.
The ability of a stem cell to divide and produce copies of itself for an indefinite period of time. This is the defining property of stem cells.
An early stage embryo of about 100 cells that has not yet implanted into the womb. The blastocyst is a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled cavity and cluster of cells inside called the inner cell mass. The blastocyst develops after cleavage and prior to implantation at approximately five days. Further reproductive development occurs only if the blastocyst is successfully implanted in the uterus.
初期段階胚 about 100 細胞のない、まだ子宮に注入されています。胚盤胞は、細胞の外側の層から成って球、液体で満たされた空洞とクラスター内の細胞の内側と呼ばれる細胞塊。胸の谷間の後、約 5 日間で移植前に胚盤胞を開発します。さらに生殖開発は胚盤胞は、子宮に着床正常に場合にのみ発生します。
A cell produced during cleavage of a fertilized egg.
General term for cell without self-renewal ability that contributes to tissue formation. In some cases it generates tissue stem cells.
An early stage embryo of about 100 cells that has not yet implanted into the womb. The blastocyst is a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled cavity and cluster of cells inside called the inner cell mass. The blastocyst develops after cleavage and prior to implantation at approximately five days. Further reproductive development occurs only if the blastocyst is successfully implanted in the uterus.
初期段階胚 about 100 細胞のない、まだ子宮に注入されています。胚盤胞は、細胞の外側の層から成って球、液体で満たされた空洞とクラスター内の細胞の内側と呼ばれる細胞塊。胸の谷間の後、約 5 日間で移植前に胚盤胞を開発します。さらに生殖開発は胚盤胞は、子宮に着床正常に場合にのみ発生します。
Cell division resulting in two daughter cells with different properties. Observed in some but not all stem cells and can occur in other types of progenitor cell.
細胞分裂は、異なるプロパティを持つ 2 つの娘細胞に終って。いくつかではなく観察すべて幹細胞および前駆細胞の他の種類で発生することができます。
The growth of cells in a laboratory dish for experimental research. The cells are grown in a solution, or medium, that contains nutrients and growth factors. Different factors can be added to the culture medium to initiate changes in cell behaviour.
A research study in human subjects to answer specific questions about vaccines or new therapies or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials are used to determine whether new drugs or treatments are both safe and effective. Trials take place in four phases: Phase I tests a new drug or treatment in a small group; Phase II expands the study to a larger group of people; Phase III expands the study to an even larger group of people; and Phase IV takes place after the drug or treatment has been licensed and marketed.
ワクチンや新しい治療法、知られている治療を使用しての新しい方法について特定の質問に答える人を対象に調査研究。臨床試験は、新しい薬や治療法が安全かつ効果的かどうかを判断する使用されます。4 つのフェーズで行われる試験: 小グループ; 新しい薬や治療法をテスト私は相フェーズ II は人々 の大きいグループに研究を展開フェーズ III 人々; のさらに大きなグループへの研究の拡大フェーズ IV 薬後に行われますや治療を認可されており販売。
To create a copy. “Therapeutic cloning” creates a line of stem cells genetically identical to the originating cell for use in research. “Reproductive cloning” creates an organism genetically identical to the organism providing the originating cell.
The developing human organism (a group of cells) that arise from a fertilized egg (after merging of egg and sperm). An embryo does have the potential to become a complete organism. The embryonic stage ends at eight weeks of development.
発展途上人間有機体 (細胞のグループ) (卵と精子の結合) の後に受精卵から発生します。胚は完全な生物になる可能性を持っています。萌芽期の段階は開発の 8 週間で終了します。
Primitive (undifferentiated) cells that have the potential to become a wide variety of specialized cell types (i.e., cardiac myocytes, neuronal, pancreatic). They are pluripotent cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. Embryonic stem cells are NOT embryos and cannot become a complete organism.
さまざまな専門にされたセルタイプ (すなわち、心筋細胞、神経細胞、膵臓) になる可能性のある原始的 (未分化) 細胞。彼らは多能性細胞の胚盤胞の内部細胞塊から派生しました。胚性幹細胞は胚および完全な生物になることはできません。
A developing human from the eighth week of gestation to birth.
A reproductive cell containing half of the genetic material necessary to form a complete human organism. During fertilization, male and female gametes (sperm and ovum, respectively) fuse, producing a zygote.
完全な人間の有機体を形成するために必要な遺伝材料の半分を含む生殖細胞。受精、男性と女性の配偶子の中に (精子と卵子、それぞれ)、受精卵の生産のヒューズ。
Cells comprising actual reproductive components of a human organism (e.g., eggs, sperm).
The functional cell type of the liver. Hepatocytes make enzymes for detoxifying metabolic waste, synthesise proteins for the blood plasma, produce bile and help control blood sugar levels within narrow limits.
A type of white blood cell and a versatile part of the immune system. Constantly on patrol, macrophages can find and kill many different kinds of bacteria. They are usually the first responders to any invasion of the body.
An egg before maturation; a female gametocyte; also called an ovocyte.
The oval spongy structure in the uterus from which the fetus derives its nourishment and oxygen. The placenta develops from the outer cell layer of the blastocyst, called the trophoblast.
Reconstruction of diseased or injured tissue by activation of resident cells or by cell transplantation.
A type of white blood cell and a versatile part of the immune system. Constantly on patrol, macrophages can find and kill many different kinds of bacteria. They are usually the first responders to any invasion of the body.
Any of the cells of a plant or animal other than germ cells (reproductive cells)
The ability of a stem cell to divide and produce copies of itself for an indefinite period of time. This is the defining property of stem cells.
The outer layer of cells of the blastocyst that attach to the uterine wall and give rise to the placenta.
A cell that can continuously produce unaltered daughters and also has the ability to produce daughter cells that have different, more restricted properties.
Cells from the body other than sperm or egg cells.
A single cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes (sperm and egg) at fertilization.
A process that takes place in the laboratory (e.g., in cell culture).
The functional cell type of the liver. Hepatocytes make enzymes for detoxifying metabolic waste, synthesise proteins for the blood plasma, produce bile and help control blood sugar levels within narrow limits.