American Meteorological Society
Branża: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
Term for a condition of ceiling and visibility that would prohibit the pilot of an aircraft from landing or taking off from an airport, even with radio or other instrumental aids. This term is now generally replaced by “below minimums. ”
A direct-vision nephoscope constructed by L. Besson in 1897. It consists of a comb comprising equispaced vertical rods attached to a cross piece. The comb is affixed to one end of a column 2. 5–3 m (8–10 ft) long and is supported on a mounting that is free to rotate about its vertical axis. In use, the comb is turned so that the cloud appears to move parallel to the tips of the vertical rods.
(Hindustani for “small rain. ”) In India, a day or two of rainy weather that may precede the regular rains of the monsoon.
(More commonly called oscilloscope or 'scope. ) An instrument that displays visually on the face of a cathode-ray tube instantaneous voltages of electrical signals. Either the intensity or the displacement of the trace may be controlled by the signal voltage. See radarscope.
Designated ClOx. The chemical group comprising chlorine atoms (Cl), chlorine monoxides (ClO), etc.
Chinese word for “spring wind. ” In China, a spring breeze; pleasant weather at the start of the spring season.
An oscillator used in a coherent radar to provide a reference phase by which changes in the phase of the received signal may be recognized. In practice, a coho usually operates at the intermediate frequency of the receiver.
A radio direction-finder for recording sferics. See also sferics receiver.
A radio direction-finder for recording sferics. See also sferics receiver.
The climate of a confined space, such as the inside of a house, barn, greenhouse, or a natural or artificial cave. This term is often replaced by the term microclimate, appropriately modified, for example, house microclimate.