Alister McGrath
Branża: Religion
Number of terms: 1503
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Professor of Theology, Ministry and Education, and Head of the Center for Theology, Religion and Culture at King's College, London. McGrath has produced a wide range of publications to Christian theology and his engagement with contemporary culture, especially the New Atheism.
Termine usato in riferimento al presupposto della natura umana di Dio nella persona di Gesù Cristo. Il termine "incarnazionalismo" viene spesso usato in riferimento agli approcci teologici (come quelli dell'anglicanesimo del tardo XIX secolo) che pongono particolare enfasi sulla trasformazione di Dio in essere umano.
A movement placing especial emphasis upon a contrast between the material and spiritual realms, which became of major importance during the second century. Its most characteristic doctrines include redemption apart from the material world, a dualist worldview which held that different gods were responsible for creation and redemption, and an emphasis upon the importance of "knowledge" (gnosis) in salvation.
A term used to refer to the views of a group of English writers, especially during the seventeenth century, the rationalism of which anticipated many of the ideas of the Enlightenment. The term is often used to refer to a view of God which recognizes the divine creatorship, yet which rejects the notion of a continuing divine involvement with the world.
A form of argument for the existence of God especially associated with the scholastic theologian Anselm of Canterbury.
The standard way of referring to Christ's moral and pastoral teaching in the specific form which it takes in chapters 5-7 of Matthew's gospel.
The Greek translation of the Old Testament, dating from the third century BC. The abbreviation LXX is generally used to refer to this text.
The tendency to ascribe human features (such as hands or arms) or other human characteristics to God.
Il Vangelo secondo Giovanni. Il termine sottolinea le particolari caratteristiche letterarie e teologiche di questo vangelo che lo collocano su un piano a parte rispetto alle strutture comuni dei primi tre vangeli, solitamente conosciuti come i vangeli sinottici.
A Greek term, literally meaning "of the same substance," which came to be used extensively during the fourth century to designate the mainstream Christological belief that Jesus Christ was "of the same substance as God. " The term was polemical, being directed against the Arian view that Christ was "of similar substance" (homoiousion) to God.
A movement in North American theology which became especially significant in the late 1960s, which emphasized the importance and distinctiveness of the religious experience of black people.