British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
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The largest broadcasting organisation in the world.
Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson (born 11 April 1960) - English television presenter, journalist and writer, who specialises in cars. Mainly known for his role in the BBC's Top Gear TV show where his co-presenters are Richard Hammond and James May. He also writes a weekly column for The Sunday Times and The Sun. Clarkson has risen from being a local journalist in the North of England to become an influential celebrity as the main presenter in Top Gear's original format in 1988. From the mid-1990's, Clarkson became a well-known personality, regularly appearing on British television both in his own show and as a guest on other shows. As well as programmes about cars, Clarkson has been involved in programmes and books about other subjects such as history and engineering. Between 1998 and 2000, he also hosted his own talk show, Clarkson. His opinionated rhetoric and performing style, though delivered with a sense of humour, often provoked outrage in society. Both his personal activities and those in his capacity as the main Top Gear presenter, sometimes led to criticism on the part of the mass media, politicians, pressure groups and the public. He also attracted a considerable public following, and is recognised as being a major factor in the revitalisation of Top Gear, one of the most popular shows on BBC.
Industry:TV shows
Richard Mark Hammond (born 19 December 1969) is an English presenter, writer, and journalist. He is most noted for co-hosting the car programme Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson and James May, as well as presenting series 1–4 of Brainiac: Science Abuse on Sky1. He also co-hosted Total Wipeout with Amanda Byram on BBC One. Hammond presented Planet Earth Live alongside Julia Bradbury. Hammond became a presenter on Top Gear in 2002, when the show began in its present format. He is sometimes referred to as "The Hamster" by fans and his co-presenters on Top Gear due to his name and comparatively small stature. His nickname was further reinforced when on three separate occasions in series 7, he ate cardboard, mimicking hamster-like behaviour.
Industry:TV shows
James Daniel May (born 16 January 1963) is a British television presenter and journalist. He is the co-presenter of the motoring programme Top Gear, alongside Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond. May has presented other programmes on themes including science and technology, toys, wine culture, and the plight of manliness in modern times. He wrote a weekly column for The Daily Telegraph's motoring section. May first co-presented Top Gear in 2003, where he earned the nickname "Captain Slow" owing to his careful driving style. Despite this sobriquet, he has done some especially high-speed driving, including in Top Gear Series 9, taking a Bugatti Veyron to its top speed of 253 mph (407 km/h) which is nearly one-third of the speed of sound at sea level and later on taking a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport edition to 260 mph (417 km/h). He became one of the first people – with co-presenter Jeremy Clarkson and an Icelandic support crew – to travel by car to the magnetic North Pole, using a modified Toyota Hilux. In the words of Clarkson, he was the first person to go there "who didn't want to be there". He has driven a 1.3-litre Suzuki SJ413 through the Bolivian jungle, along Death Road and over the Andes to the Pacific Ocean in Chile. He also drove a modified Toyota Hilux (previously used as a crew car during the North Pole expedition) up the side of the erupting volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland.
Industry:TV shows
he Stig is a character on the British motoring television show Top Gear. The Stig's primary role is setting lap times for cars tested on the show, as well as instructing celebrity guests, off-camera, for the show's "Star in a Reasonably Priced Car" segment. The character is a play on the anonymity of racing drivers' full-face helmets, with the running joke that nobody knows who, or indeed what, is inside the Stig's racing suit. The identity of the original "Black" Stig, Perry McCarthy, was exposed by a Sunday newspaper in January 2003, and confirmed by McCarthy later that year. The black-suited Stig was subsequently "killed off" that October in the series 3 premiere, and replaced in the following episode by a new White Stig who lasted through to the end of series 15. In series 13, the show jokingly unmasked the Stig as seven-time world champion F1 driver Michael Schumacher. In the hiatus following series 15, racing driver Ben Collins was revealed to be the Stig in a court battle over Collins' impending autobiography, titled The Man in the White Suit. In series 16, debuting in December 2010, Collins was replaced by a second White Stig, whose identity has so far remained secret.
Industry:TV shows
Джеремі Кларксон Чарльз Роберт (народився 11 квітня 1960) - англійський телеведучий, журналіст і письменник, який спеціалізується на автомобілях. Він найбільше відомий своєю роллю на ТВ-шоу BBC Top Gear разом з со-ведучими Річардом Хаммондом і Джеймсом Мейем. Він також пише щотижневі колонки для The Sunday Times і The Sun. Від кар'єри в якості місцевого журналіста в Північній Англії, Кларксон виріс і займає важливе суспільне становище в якості ведучого в оригінальному форматі Top Gear в 1988 році. З середини 1990-х років, Кларксон став визнаним громадським діячем, регулярно з'являючись на британському телебаченні і представляючи свої власні шоу і з'являючись в якості гостя на інших шоу. Як і про автомобілях, Кларксон випустив програми і книги на такі теми, як історія та інженерія. З 1998 по 2000 рік, він також провів своє ток-шоу, Кларксон. Його впертий, але з почуттям гумору написана мова та подання в стилі часто викликало провокації в громадськості. Його дії як в приватному порядку і в якості ведучого Top Gear також іноді призводило до критики з боку засобів масової інформації, політиків, груп тиску та громадськості. Він також викликав значне число послідовників від громадськості, будучи визнаним  основним фактором у відродженні Top Gear, одного з найпопулярніших шоу на BBC.
Industry:TV shows
Джереми Кларксон Чарльз Роберт (родился 11 апреля 1960) - английский телеведущий, журналист и писатель, который специализируется на автомобилях. Он больше всего известен своей ролью на ТВ-шоу BBC Top Gear вместе с со-ведущими Ричардом Хаммондом и Джеймсом Мэйем. Он также пишет еженедельные колонки для The Sunday Times и The Sun. От карьеры в качестве местного журналиста в Северной Англии, Кларксон вырос и занимает важное общественное положение в качестве ведущего в оригинальном формате Top Gear в 1988 году. С середины 1990-х годов, Кларксон стал признанным общественным деятелем, регулярно появляясь на британском телевидении и представляя свои собственные шоу и появляясь в качестве гостя на других шоу. Как и о автомобилях, Кларксон выпустил программы и книги на такие темы, как история и инженерия. С 1998 по 2000 год, он также провел свое ток-шоу, Кларксон. Его упрямый, но с чувством юмора написанная речь и представления в стиле часто вызывало провокации в общественности. Его действия как в частном порядке и в качестве ведущего Top Gear также иногда приводило к критике со стороны средств массовой информации, политиков, групп давления и общественности. Он также вызывал значительное число последователей от общественности, будучи признанным в качестве основного фактора в возрождении Top Gear , одного из самых популярных шоу на BBC.
Industry:TV shows
L'appropriazione da parte di un legislatore di fondi governativi (o "pork" - letteralmente maiale N.d.T.) per progetti da cui probabilmente trarranno beneficio i suoi elettori o donatori.
Elefanten är den traditionella symbolen för det republikanska partiet. Den dök först upp i en serie av konstnären Thomas Nast i utgåvan den 7 november 1874 av Harper's Weekly.