California Energy Commission
Branża: Energy
Number of terms: 9078
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
California’s primary energy policy and planning agency
Acronym for Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries founded in 1968 for cooperation in economic and petroleum affairs. See OPEC.
Acronym for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries founded in 1960 for unify and coordinate petroleum polices of the members. Headquarters is in Vienna, Austria.
The United States is divided by the U.S. Department of Energy into five PADD regions for planning purposes. The states within PADD V are Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, which are linked closely by their oil supply network. Since very little petroleum product is export outside the district, PADD V is essentially a self-contained oil supply system with Alaska and California the main producers and California refining the majority of the crude oil consumed in the PADD.
PERFORMANCE-BASED REGULATION. Any rate-setting mechanism which attempts to link rewards (generally profits) to desired results or targets. PBR sets rates, or components of rates,for a period of time based on external indices rather than a utility's cost-of-service. Other definitions include light-handed regulation which is less costly and less subject to debate and litigation. A form of rate regulation which provides utilities with better incentives to reduce their costs than does cost-of-service regulation.
A group of organic compounds used in the manufacture of plastics and formerly used as a coolant in electric transformers. In the environment, PCBs are highly toxic to aquatic life. They persist in the environment for long periods of time and are biologically accumulative.
The acronym for Pacific Gas and Electric Company an electric and natural gas utility serving the central and northern California region.
The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. This act prohibits acquisition of any wholesale or retail electric business through a holding company unless that business forms part of an integrated public utility system when combined with the utility's other electric business. The legislation also restricts ownership of an electric business by non-utility corporations.
公益事業持株会社法の 1935 年。この法律は限りをビジネスの一部のユーティリティと組み合わせると、公益事業を統合システムとしての他の電気事業持株会社を通して任意卸売または小売りの電気事業の買収を禁止します。立法はまた非ユーティリティ企業による電気事業の所有権を制限します。
有機化合物のグループはプラスチックの製造で使用され、以前電気変圧器の冷却材として使用されています。環境では、Pcb は水生生物に毒性の高いです。彼らは時間の長い期間のため、環境で永続化、生物学的累積です。