Everyday Health, Inc.
Branża: Health care
Number of terms: 8622
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
A barrier type birth control method that covers the cervix and prevents sperm from reaching the egg.
A birth defect in which the foot or ankle is deformed. Club foot is treated with exercises, splinting, or surgery.
A birth defect in which the upper lip and palate (roof of the mouth) do not grow together. Surgery to repair a cleft palate is usually performed as early as possible.
A birth defect in which the upper lip isn't formed properly. The groove in the lip can be repaired with surgery, usually performed before the baby is a year old.
A birth defect related to the baby's brain or spine.
A birthing chair is designed to support a laboring woman in a sitting or squatting position during delivery, allowing for an assist from gravity.
A blood clot that develops in a vein deep in a limb.
A blood test given to the expectant mother between weeks 15 and 18 of pregnancy to screen for an increased risk of the baby having a birth defect. High levels of MSAFP may be associated with a neural tube defect; low levels may be associated with Down syndrome. The test is used to decide whether a woman should undergo more invasive testing, such as an amniocentesis.
A burning sensation felt in the chest and throat when acid from the stomach leaks up into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the muscle at the top of the stomach that usually prevents digestive acids from going back up relaxes, allowing gastric juices to splash back. The pressure of the growing uterus also puts pressure on the stomach, allowing acid to travel back.
A chemical secretion that the body produces to stimulate or slow down various body functions.