Everyday Health, Inc.
Branża: Health care
Number of terms: 8622
Number of blossaries: 1
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A physician specializing in obstetrics.
A physician who provides basic care. See family practitioner.
A physician who specializes in the care of newborns.
A physician who specializes in women's health. See ob-gyn.
A placenta that remains in the uterus for 30 minutes or more after delivery. The practitioner will sometimes need to manually remove the placenta when this occurs.
A pregnancy with a higher than normal risk of developing complications. Risk may be related to a woman's age, a woman carrying multiple fetuses, Rh incompatibility, preterm labor, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, among other conditions.
The bursting of the sac holding the amniotic fluid, usually a sign that labor will soon begin or has already begun.
The end of the first stage of labor when the cervix dilates from eight to ten centimeters. This is the most demanding stage of labor because the contractions are very strong, very close together, and very long. The transition stage lasts only a short time.
The flexible cord of tissue connecting the fetus to the placenta that brings oxygen and nutrients from the expectant mother to the fetus and removes waste products. The umbilical cord contains two arteries and one large vein.
The front part of the pelvis. During pregnancy, a practitioner will use this point to measure the growth of the uterus.