Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Branża: Agriculture
Number of terms: 87409
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Established in October 1945 with the objective of eliminating hunger and improving nutrition and standards of living by increasing agricultural productivity, FAO coordinates the efforts of governments and technical agencies in programs for developing agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and land and ...
A growth curvature induced by gravity. a.k.a. gravitropism.
Main axis of a spike; axis of fern leaf (frond) from which pinnae arise; in compound leaves, the extension of the petiole corresponding to the midrib of an entire leaf.
Un organisme immature dans les premiers stades de développement. Chez les mammifères, ceci se produit dans les premiers mois dans l'utérus. Chez les plantes, c'est la structure qui se développe dans le mégagamétophyte, par suite de la fécondation d'un ovule, ou sans fécondation. En culture aseptique, adventices embryons montrent polarisation, suivie de la croissance d'une pousse à une extrémité et une racine de l'autre bout.
A term applied to any biological unit that can function on its own, i.e., without the help of another unit, such as a transposable element that encodes an enzyme for its own transposition.
(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>O<sub>6</sub>; f.w. 176.12) A water-soluble vitamin present naturally in some plants, and also synthetically produced. Aside from its role as a vitamin, it is used as an antioxidant in plant tissue culture; and included in disinfection solutions.
1. Un gamète femelle animaux, produit par l'ovaire. 2. L'oospore chez les plantes.
Divisé par les murs dans des cellules ou des compartiments.
(SI symbol: J) The amount of energy needed to apply a force of 1 newton over a distance of 1 metre.
Nutritive tissue that develops in the embryo sac of most angiosperms. It usually forms after the fertilization of the two fused primary endosperm nuclei of the embryo sac with one of the two male gamete nuclei. In most diploid plants, e.g., cereals, the endosperm is triploid <i>(3n),</i> but in some (e.g., lily) it is often consumed as the seed matures.
Tout type de reproduction n'impliquant ne pas la méiose ou l'union des gamètes.