Transport Canada
Branża: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
The lowest altitude above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or above the aerodrome elevation, as applicable, used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.
An instrument approach, departure or transition procedure that is not authorised for public use, but that has been approved by Transport Canada for restricted use by one or more operators and by the military provided that operational requirements are met.
The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes.
An instrument approach procedure (IAP) in which only electronic azimuth information is provided. No electronic glide path (GP) information is provided and obstacle assessment in the final segment is based on minimum descent altitude (MDA).
An instrument approach procedure (IAP) using azimuth and glide path (GP) information provided by an instrument landing system (ILS), a microwave landing system (MLS) or a precision approach radar (PAR). There are three types of precision approaches: (a) precision approach CAT I; (b) precision approach CAT II; and (c) precision approach CAT III.
An approach executed by an aircraft under the direction of a radar controller.
A procedure developed to ensure that the necessary safety of flight operations is maintained while exposure to noise on the ground is minimized.
An instrument approach procedure (IAP) in which the final approach is conducted in accordance with directions issued by a controller referring to a precision approach radar (PAR) display.
A manoeuvre involving a descent or a climb in a pattern resembling a holding pattern.
(1) An emergency radar approach provided by ATC intended to assist an aircraft in executing an approach and landing. (2) U.S. Military: An instrument approach wherein the air traffic controller issues instructions, for pilot compliance, based on aircraft position in relation to the final approach course (azimuth) and the distance (range) from the end of the runway as displayed on the controller's radar scope. The controller will provide recommended altitudes on the final approach if requested by the pilot.