Transport Canada
Branża: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
U.S.: A marker beacon used with an instrument landing system (ILS) (CAT II) precision approach located between the middle marker and the end of the ILS runway, transmitting a radiation pattern keyed at six dots per second and indicating to the pilot, both aurally and visually, that he/she is at the designated decision height (DH), normally 100 ft above the touchdown zone elevation, on the ILS CAT II approach. It also marks progress during a CAT III approach.
U.S.: A service specifically designed to provide, upon pilot request, timely weather information pertinent to his/her type of flight, intended route of flight, and altitude. The FSSs providing this service are listed in the Airport/Facility Directory.
Atstumas nuo tūpimo taško iki taško, kur orlaivis gali būti patraukti sustabdyti ar išeiti iš kilimo ir tūpimo tako.
U.S.: Expression for: circuit (2)
Tous les fixes (qu'elles soient temporaires ou permanentes) et les objets mobiles, ou parties de celles-ci, qui sont situés sur un terrain destiné à la circulation de surface des aéronefs ou qui s'étendent au-dessus d'une surface définie visant à protéger les aéronefs en vol.
All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight.
Any runway currently being used for takeoff or landing. When multiple runways are used, they are all considered runways in use.
Any runway currently being used for takeoff or landing. When multiple runways are used, they are all considered runways in use.
Dispositifs aérodynamiques mobiles sur les avions qui réduisent la vitesse indiquée.
Movable aerodynamic devices on aircraft that reduce indicated airspeed.