Transport Canada
Branża: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
(1) Une manœuvre où un changement dans l'attitude d'un aéronef entraîne une inclinaison supérieure à 60°, une assiette inhabituelle ou à une accélération inhabituelle non compatibles à la normale de vol. (2) Du MDN : Une manœuvre intentionnellement effectuée par un avion impliquant un changement brusque en altitude, une assiette inhabituelle ou une variation anormale dans le chemin d'accès de vitesse ou de vol.
(1) A manoeuvre where a change in the attitude of an aircraft results in a bank angle greater than 60°, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal acceleration not incidental to normal flying. (2) DND: A manoeuvre intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change in altitude, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal variation in speed or flight path.
Actes ou tentatives actes tels quant à compromettre la sécurité de l'aviation civile et des transports aériens, c'est-à-dire: (a) la capture illicite d'aéronefs en vol ; b le détournement de l'avion au sol ; (c) otages à bord de l'avion ou sur les aérodromes ; (d) intrusion par la force à bord d'un avion, dans un aéroport ou dans les locaux d'une usine aéronautique ; (e) introduction à bord d'un avion ou dans un aéroport d'une arme ou de dispositif dangereux ou de matières destinées à des fins criminelles ; (f) la communication de fausses informations de nature à compromettre la sécurité d'un aéronef en vol ou au sol, des passagers, l'équipage, la terre du personnel ou du grand public, dans un aéroport ou dans les locaux d'une installation de l'aviation civile.
Acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air transport, i.e.: (a) unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight; (b) unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground; (c) hostage-taking on board aircraft or on aerodromes; (d) forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility; (e) introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended for criminal purposes; (f) communication of false information such as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation facility.
Un atterrissage prévu soit abandonné pour des raisons telles que le conflit de circulation, météo ou obstacles surfaces d'atterrissage.
A planned landing that is discontinued for reasons such as conflicting traffic, weather, or landing surface obstacles.
(1) A manoeuvre where a change in the attitude of an aircraft results in a bank angle greater than 60°, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal acceleration not incidental to normal flying. (2) DND: A manoeuvre intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change in altitude, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal variation in speed or flight path.
Any runway currently being used for takeoff or landing. When multiple runways are used, they are all considered runways in use.
ICAO: Movement of a helicopter/VTOL above the surface of an aerodrome, normally in ground effect and at a ground speed normally less than 37 km/h (20 kt). Note ICAO: The actual height may vary, and some helicopters may require air-taxiing above 8 m (25 ft) AGL to reduce ground effect turbulence or provide clearance for cargo slingloads. Note: ICAO generic term that covers both air taxi and hover taxi, as used in North America.
An authorization issued by an ATC unit for an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace in accordance with the conditions specified by that unit.