United States Department of Agriculture
Branża: Government
Number of terms: 41534
Number of blossaries: 0
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A $50 million program, announced January 12, 1999, that makes direct farm payments of up to $5 per hog on the first 500 hogs marketed during the last 6 months of 1998. Operations marketing 1,000 or more hogs during the 6 month period, and those with 1998 gross income greater than $2.5 million were not eligible. The actual payment rate was determined after signup by dividing $50 million by the total eligible. The program was implemented under Section 32 authority to make direct payments to farmers to reestablish their purchasing power. This was the first time in the previous 38 year history of the law that Section 32 funds were used for direct payments.
A 30-member panel appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture in 1997 to examine the status and needs of small farms in the United States. The Commission presented its findings, which included nearly 150 specific recommendations for action, to the Secretary in a January 1998 reported entitled "A Time to Act."
Although there is no official, widely accepted definition of a small farm, the Small Farms Commission described it, for purposes of its 1997 study, as one with less than $250,000 in gross receipts annually on which day-to-day labor and management are provided by the farmer and/or the farm family that owns the production, or owns or leases the productive assets. In 1995, such farms accounted for 93% of the more than 2 million U.S. farms, but only 40% of U.S. farm production. The long-term decline in the number of small farms, and the subsequent concentration of production on fewer and larger operations, is a longstanding concern among some segments of the agricultural community, while others view these changes as inevitable, and even necessary to maintain the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector.
Paid by manufacturers to purchase shelf space in retail stores; such fees are a controversial issue in the food sector. Critics regard slotting fees as unearned store discounts (or even "kickbacks" to stores) that give a competitive edge to larger manufacturers who can afford them, while depriving consumers of variety, new product innovations, and possibly more competitive retail pricing. Supporters of the fees contend that they enable stores to make room for the thousands of new product introductions annually; otherwise, grocers would have to shoulder the risk of stocking items that might not sell.
Section 523 loans and Section 524 loans are for acquiring and developing land for low- and moderate-income rural residents.
Planting in uniform spaces one or more row to a commodity (especially cotton), the skipping one or more rows.
A occurring geological condition in which an opening on the soil surface leads directly down through the subsurface structure to an underground water supply. Sinkholes are commonly associated with a karst limestone subsurface structure and are a potential source of direct contamination of groundwater aquifers.
A branch of forestry dealing with the development and care of forests.
Prepared by chopping green forage (grass, legumes, field corn, etc.) into an airtight chamber, where it is compressed to exclude air and undergoes an acid fermentation that retards spoilage. Contains about 65 percent moisture.
Two thousand pounds. By contrast, a long ton equals 2,240 pounds. A metric ton equals 2,204.62 pounds.