- Branża: Education
- Number of terms: 1674
- Number of blossaries: 1
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The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is a public university located on three urban campuses in Chicago. UIC ranks in the top 50 US institutions with strong research programs. The university boasts one of the largest medical schools in the US and operates Illinois’ major public medical center ...
A system for ordering colors that respects the relationships of similarity among them. There are variety of different color spaces, but they are all three dimensional.
A non-invasive technique for imaging soft tissues including the brain. MRI has been mostly used for detecting and localizing damage to the brain but recently versions of the technique have been developed that allow imaging of local differences in brain activity.
Attribute of a visual sensation which permits a judgment to be made of the proportion of pure chromatic color in the total sensation. (CIE 45-25-225. ) Pink and red differ in saturation with the red being the more saturated. The spectral colors are all maximally saturated examples of their hues and differ in this respect from pastels which are desaturated. One of the three standard elements of color appearance (the other two are hue and brightness). Its colorimetric equivalent is purity.
A standard illuminant that is an approximation to average daylight. Like all illuminants, illuminant C is specified by its spectral power distribution.
Equal in luminance. Two lights may be equally bright although chromatically different (which implies they have different spectral power distributions). One consequence of the possession of color vision is the ability to discriminate some equiluminant stimuli.
The proportion of incident light the surface reflects. (See spectral reflectance).
A neuron that exhibits opposite spectral opponency in the center and surround of its receptive field. For example, a double opponent cell might be stimulated by the L-cones and inhibited by the M-cones in the center of its receptive field, and vice versa in the surround. Double opponent cells respond best to stimuli with contrasting colors and are not found in the visual pathway prior to primary visual cortex.
The number of photons absorbed by the photopigment molecules of a photoreceptor. The rate of quantum catch in a photoreceptor determines its output.
The intensity (power weighted by the overallspectral sensitivity of the eye) per unit area of a light source.
A hue that is perceptually unmixed, containing no other chromatic component. The four unique hues (red, green, yellow, and blue) are thought to be basic components out of which all other (binary) hues are composed. According to opponent process theory an appearance of a unique hue is produced when one of the two chromatic opponent channels is in balance and the other is either positive or negative.