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The cost of borrowing, which compensates lenders for the risk they take in making their money available to borrowers. Without interest there would be little lending and thus a lot less economic activity. The charging of interest is contrary to Sharia (Islamic) law, being considered usury. Some American states also have usury laws, imposing tough conditions on the terms set by lenders, although not actually prohibiting interest. Yet, as the recent rise of a substantial banking industry in Islamic Middle Eastern countries shows, when economic growth is a priority, ways can usually be found to pay lenders to lend.

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եթերային յուղը բուսական նյութերից արտահանված հեղուկ ցնդող նյութերի հոտավետ խառնուրդ է: եթերային յուղերի մեծ մասը հեշտությամբ լուծվում է բենզինի, ...