Home > Terms > Kazachstanu (KK) > коллаж
Collage is a term used to describe both the technique and the resulting work of art in which pieces of paper, photographs, fabric and other ephemera are arranged and stuck down to a supporting surface. Collage can also include other media such as painting and drawing, and contain three-dimensional elements. The term collage derives from the French words papiers collés or découpage, used to describe techniques of pasting paper cut-outs onto various surfaces. It was first used as an artists' technique in the twentieth century.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
- Blosariusze:
- Branża/Dziedzina: Historia sztuki
- Kategoria: Historia sztuki ogólna
- Company: Tate
- Produkt:
- Akronim-Skrót:
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Branża/Dziedzina: Geografia Kategoria: Kraje i terytoria
Афон тауы
Greek mountain and pilgrimage site, known as the birthplace of early Christian Orthodox monasticism, housing around 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries. ...
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