Shalom Bob! I think you have exaggerated the number of the English speakers about two times (or more!). At the same time you have underestimated the number of the Russian speakers at least two times (this is really funny!). And the Hindi-Urdu speakers, German speakers are also underestimated in your figures. No wonder, you have totally missed the Francophones!!! Etc.! Best, Arick
16:43, 17 April 2011
This depends whether you are talking about the number of speakers as a first language, or whether speakers as a second language can be counted too. As you have not specified about only including first language speakers, here are the stats, which have to be taken with a heavy pinch of salt, as no-one really knows. 1. English (1,400 - 1,800 million) 2. Mandarin Chinese (845 million) 3. Spanish (328.5 million) 4. Portuguese (224 million) 5. Arabic (221 million) 6. Hindi/Urdu (181 million) 7. Bengali (181 million) 8. Russian (143 million) 9. Japanese (122 million) 10. German (90 million)
01:44, 15 April 2011
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