Home > Terms > Hiszpański, Ameryki Łacińskiej (XL) > admisión


Before a student can register for courses in a college or university, he/she must be admitted into a faculty and/or program. Some faculties require the student to choose a specific program as part of the application. In order to be considered for admission, a student must submit an application, pay the application fee, submit the required academic documents, and submit any other items that may be required for admission to a specific program (questionnaire, portfolio, resume, etc. ).

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Gabriela Lozano
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Branża/Dziedzina: Fitness Kategoria: Dieta

dieta de los 17 días

The 17 Day Diet is a diet created by Mike Moreno, a family medicine doctor based in San Diego, CA, USA. The book, titled after the same name as the ...