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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Chemia > Chemia nieorganiczna

chloropikryna, nitrochloroform

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

CCl 3 NO 2 A colorless liquid with a sweet odor whose vapor is very irritating to the lungs and causes vomiting, coughing, and crying; used as a soil fumigant. Also known as ...

siedmiotlenek manganu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

Mn 2 O 7 A compound formed as an explosive darkgreen oil by the action of concentrated sulfuric acid on permanganate compounds.

soda amoniakalna, soda bezwodna, soda kalcynowana

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

Na 2 CO 3 The commercial grade of sodium carbonate; a powder soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; used in glass manufacture and petroleum refining, and for soaps and ...

tlenek cyrkonu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

ZrO 2 A toxic, heavy white powder that is insoluble in water, soluble in mineral acids; melts at 2700_C; used in ceramic glazes, special glasses, and medicine, and to make ...

chlorek miedzi (I)

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

CuCl or Cu 2 Cl 2 Green, tetrahedral crystals, insoluble in water. Also known as copper chloride; resin of copper.

dwukrzemek molibdenu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

MoSi 2 A dark gray, crystalline powder with a melting range of 1870–2030_C; soluble in hydrofluoric and nitric acids; used in electrical resistors and for protective coatings for ...

wodorotlenek sody

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

NaOH White, rozpływający się kryształów; pochłania dwutlenek węgla i wodę z powietrza; rozpuszczalne w wodzie, alkoholu i gliceryny; topi się w 318_C; stosowany jako odczynnik ...