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Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
Fruit of the coconut tree. It has a hard outer husk enclosing a large nut containing a white, edible, jelly-like substance called the "endosperm."
dzika jabłoń, dzikie jabłko
Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
A small, red apple with a hard, extremely tart flesh. Used in jellies and jams, but are generally too tart for eating out-of-hand.
Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
Also known as "Roman beans," these beans are buff-colored with reddish streaks. Used at add interest and visual appeal to salads and dishes like succotash.
Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
A bright red berry of the heath family. About 70% of the crop comes from the Cape Cod area. Because of their tartness, they are often combined with other fruits and used in chutneys, pies, and other ...
Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
A long, green, cylinder-shaped member of the gourd family with edible seeds surrounded by mild, crisp flesh. Used for making pickles and usually eaten raw. Cucumbers have been cultivated for ...
Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
This fruit is a tiny berry from the gooseberry family. There are black, red, and white currants. Black ones are used in syrups and liqueurs; red and white ones are eaten and used in some preserves ...
Owoce i warzywa; Owoce
The fruit of the giant date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) , which lives up to 200 years and has been cultivated for over 5,000 years. Dates are oval or cylindrical, contain a single seed, and when ...