Contributors in Szpitale


pełnozakresowa mammografia cyfrowa

Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

Łączy w sobie generatorów rentgenowskich i rur stosowanych w mammografii analogowych ekranu z płyty detektora, który konwertuje promieniowanie rentgenowskie na sygnał cyfrowy.

badania genetyczne

Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

A service equipped with adequate laboratory facilities and directed by a qualified physician to advise parents and prospective parents on potential problems in cases of genetic defects.

centrum informacji o zdrowiu

Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

Primarily concerned with distribution of educational materials to the public including brochures and pamphlets that list doctors available at the hospital, services provided, etc.

dział kontroli zdrowia

Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

Provides information and education to patients by emphasizing the importance of regular health checks to discover indications of problems at the earliest possible opportunity.

domowe usługi zdrowotne

Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

Offers healthcare services for people in their homes. All services are provided under the direction of the patient’s physician.


Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

Focused on the emotional, social, financial, and legal needs of terminally ill patients and their families. Hospice emphasizes home care for as long as possible, relief from pain, an attractive, ...

laboratorium szpitalne

Opieka zdrowotna; Szpitale

Conducts tests ordered by physicians for in-patients.

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