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Inorganic chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
kwas nieorganiczny
Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna
A compound composed of hydrogen and a nonmetal element or radical; examples are hydrochloric acid, HCl, sulfuric acid, H 2 SO 4 , and carbonic acid, H 2 CO 3 .
fluoroboran potasu
Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna
KBF 4 White powder or gelatinous crystals that decompose at high temperatures; slightly soluble in water and hot alcohol; used as a sand agent to cast magnesium and aluminum, and in electrochemical ...
Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna
NCSSCN biały, lekkie niestabilne rombowy kryształy topnienia w _2_C.
fluorek berylu
Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna
BeF 2 A hygroscopic, amorphous solid with a melting point of 800_C; soluble in water; used in beryllium metallurgy.
fluorek potasu
Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna
KF orKF_2H 2 O Poisonous, white, deliquescent crystals with saline taste; soluble in water and hydrofluoric acid, insoluble in alcohol; melts at 846_C; used to etch glass and as a preservative and ...
azotan berylu
Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna
Be(NO 3 ) 2 _3H 2 O A compound that forms colorless, deliquescent crystals that are soluble in water; used to introduce beryllium oxide into materials used in incandescent mantles.