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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Chemia nieorganiczna

Inorganic chemistry

fluorek amonu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

NH 4 F A white, unstable, crystalline salt with a strong odor of ammonia; soluble in cold water; used in analytical chemistry, glass etching, and wood preservation, and as a textile mordant.

siarczan (VI) żelaza (III)

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 _9H 2 O Yellow, water-soluble, rhombohedral crystals, decomposing when heated; used as a chemical intermediate, disinfectant, soil conditioner, pigment, and analytical reagent, and in ...

tlenek palladu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

PdO Amber lub czarno zielony proszek, który rozkłada się w 750_C; rozpuszczalny w rozcieńczonych kwasach; stosowany w syntezie chemicznej jako katalizator redukcyjny.

iarczek kadmu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

CdS A compound with two forms: orange, insoluble in water, used as a pigment, and also known as orange cadmium; light yellow, hexagonal crystals, insoluble in water, and also known as cadmium yellow.

tellurek ołowiu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

PbTe A crystalline solid that is very toxic if inhaled or ingested; melts at 902_C; used as a semiconductor and photoconductor in the form of single crystals.

halogenek rubidu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

Any of the halogen compounds of rubidium; examples are RbBr, RbCl, RbF, RbIBrCl, RbBr 2 Cl, and RbIBr 2 .

dwutlenek uranu

Chemia; Chemia nieorganiczna

UO 2 Black, highly toxic, spontaneously flammable, radioactive crystals; insoluble in water, soluble in nitric and sulfuric acids; melts at approximately 3000_C; used to pack nuclear fuel rods and ...

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