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Organic chemistry
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Organic chemistry
dibromek etylenu, dwubromek etylenu
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
BrCH 2 CH 2 Br A colorless, poisonous liquid, boiling at 131_C; insoluble in water; used in medicine, as a solvent in organic synthesis, and in antiknock gasoline. Also known as ethylene bromide.
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
CH 4 A colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, lighter than air and reacting violently with chlorine and bromine in sunlight, a chief component of natural gas; used as a source of methanol, ...
kwas organiczny
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
A chemical compound with one or more carboxyl radicals (COOH) in its structure; examples are butyric acid, CH 3 (CH 2 ) 2 COOH, maleic acid, HOOCCHCHCOOH, and benzoic acid, C 6 H 5 COOH.
sulfonamid, amid kwasu sulfonowego
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
One of a group of organosulfur compounds, RSO 2 NH 2 , prepared by the reaction of sulfonyl chloride and ammonia; used for sulfa drugs.
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
Jeden z grupy nienasyconych alifatycznych węglowodorów zawierających jeden lub więcej wiązań podwójnych węgiel węgiel.
bromek benzylu, fenylobromometan
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
C 6 H 5 CH 2 Br A toxic, irritating, corrosive clear liquid with a boiling point of 198–199_C; acts as a lacrimator; soluble in alcohol, benzene, and ether; used to make foaming and frothing ...
pigment organiczny
Chemia; Chemia organiczna
Każdy z materiałów organicznych chemiczne podstawy można dodać kolor do farb, tworzyw sztucznych, linoleum, dźwięki i jezior.
Polecane słowniki
Rafael Treviño
Deaf Community and Sign Language Interpreting