Home > Branża/dziedzina > Chemikalia w rolnictwie > Pesticides


Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.

Contributors in Pestycydy



Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

Refers to those hazardous wastes that are normally unstable and readily undergo violent chemical change but do not explode.


Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

Ecological entity exposed to a stressor.


Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

Manipulation of cells to cause them to develop into whole plants.


Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

Amount of a pollutant remaining in the environment after a natural or technological process has taken place; e.g., the sludge remaining after initial wastewater treatment, or particulates remaining ...

czynnik ryzyka

Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

Cechy (np., rasy, płci, wieku, otyłość) lub zmiennych (np. palenie papierosów, zawodowej ekspozycji poziom) związane ze zwiększonym prawdopodobieństwem toksycznego.


Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

Topsoil, sand, and minerals washed from the land into water, usually after rain or snow melt.


Chemikalia w rolnictwie; Pestycydy

1. A reproductively isolated aggregate of interbreeding organisms having common attributes and usually designated by a common name.2. An organism belonging to belonging to such a category.

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