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Temperatura boje
The degree of hotness or coolness of a color, measured in degrees Kelvin. If a video display is said to have a color temperature of 7,000° Kelvin, for example, the whites have the same shade as a piece of pure carbon heated to that temperature. Low color temperatures have a shift toward red, and high color temperatures have a shift toward blue. The standard white for NTSC in the United States is 6,500° Kelvin.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
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- Branża/Dziedzina: Reklama
- Kategoria: Reklamy wielkoformatowe
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Branża/Dziedzina: Środowisko naturalne Kategoria: Woda
A chemical that is toxic to microrganisms. Biocides are often used to eliminate bacteria and other single-cell organisms from water.
Polecane słowniki
Daniel Soto Espinosa
Moves to strengthen or dismantle climate change policy
Kategoria: Polityka 1
1 Terms

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