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nepravomoćna odluka, privremeno rješenje o razvodu braka
A conditional court order which only becomes binding (making it a decree absolute) only after a defined period of time or depending on certain other conditions. In the case of divorce orders, the order will become binding after six months, but may become invalid if another objecting party comes forward with reasons for the divorce not going ahead.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
- Blosariusze:
- Branża/Dziedzina: Usługi prawnicze
- Kategoria: Prawo ogólne
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Branża/Dziedzina: Owoce i warzywa Kategoria: Owoce
A dried grape. Raisins have a higher sugar content and a different flavor from grapes. Raisins are eat out-of-hand and used in cereals, puddings, ...
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