Home > Terms > Kazachstanu (KK) > капиллярлық колонна
капиллярлық колонна
One of the long, narrow (100 meters by 0.2–0.5 millimeter or 330 feet by 0.008–0.02 inch) columns used for capillary gas chromatography. Also known as open tubular column.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
- Blosariusze:
- Branża/Dziedzina: Chemia
- Kategoria: Chemia Analityczna
- Company: McGraw-Hill
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Branża/Dziedzina: Anatomia Kategoria:
жауырындардың арасындағы аралық
The part of the body that cannot be reached (to scratch), usually the space between the shoulder blades.
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