Home > Terms > Kazachstanu (KK) > гранд опера

гранд опера

Opera in the grand manner, signified by grandeur and size in cast, orchestra and sets. Opera that is completely sung from beginning to end, with no spoken dialogue. This style of opera treats serious, dramatic subjects, and in 19th c. French opera, was usually epic in scale, providing spectacle with a full-scale ballet inserted in the middle of the opera.

  • Część mowy: rzeczownik
  • Synonim(y):
  • Blosariusze:
  • Branża/Dziedzina: Dramat
  • Kategoria: Opera
  • Company:
  • Produkt:
  • Akronim-Skrót:
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Branża/Dziedzina: Wakacje Kategoria: Święta religijne


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