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A structure of one or many interconnecting passages; more generally, a complex construction; similar to a maze, though the latter include blind passages without issue, whereas labrynths have only one passage and end. The most famous labrynth was that designed and built (mythically) by daedulus on crete to house the minotaur. Herodotus in his histories compared the immense labyrinth above lake moeris in the fayum in egypt to the pyramids. Labyrinths were often represented in mosaic in the floors of gothic cathedrals, and are a regular feature of formal gardens in the western tradition.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
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- Branża/Dziedzina: Historia sztuki
- Kategoria: Sztuki wizualne
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Branża/Dziedzina: Żywność (inne) Kategoria: Ziarna
Italian for little worms. Vermicelli is a very thin spaghetti-shaped pasta.
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