Home > Terms > Kazachstanu (KK) > омега-3 жұмыртқалары
омега-3 жұмыртқалары
Omega-3 fatty acids are primarily found in oily fish, and therefore, most people do not consume adequate levels of this beneficial fatty acid, which helps build cell membranes, are primarily components of brain, retina and other nerve tissue, and play a key role in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. Hens that produce omega-3 enhanced eggs are fed a special vegetarian diet that consists of canola, flaxseed and linseed—all rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids. The result is that they produce eggs with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than other types of eggs. Depending on how many eggs you eat daily, they may or may not meet your RDA for omega-3s, which can easily be consumed via capsule. They are more expensive because of the higher cost of the feed, and are just an alternative way to get these nutrients into your diet (you can take daily pills or eat salmon and other omega-3 enhanced foods like milk and yogurt).
- Część mowy: rzeczownik
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- Branża/Dziedzina: Żywność (inne)
- Kategoria: Jajka
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