Home > Terms > Kazachstanu (KK) > ең жақсы қолжетімді уытты басқару технологиясы (ЕЖҚУБТ)

ең жақсы қолжетімді уытты басқару технологиясы (ЕЖҚУБТ)

The most effective emission limitation or control technique which (1) has been achieved in practice for such permit unit category or class of source; or (2) is any other emissions limitation or control technique, including process and equipment changes of basic and control equipment, found by the Executive Officer of the California Air Resources Board or Air Pollution Control Officer of the local districts to be technologically feasible for such class or category of sources, or for a specific source.

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Branża/Dziedzina: Anatomia Kategoria:

жауырындардың арасындағы аралық

The part of the body that cannot be reached (to scratch), usually the space between the shoulder blades.

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