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мајка тигрица

A designation given to mothers who raise stereotypically successful children by being strict parents. By focusing exclusively on their children's academic perfection, these mothers hope to produce children who are able to achieve better performance in academic excellence, musical mastery and professional success. "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior," an essay published in The Wall Street Journal on January 8, 2011 by Amy Chua generated much global debate on what constitutes good parenting. In the essay, Amy Chua lists some of things that she would never allow her children to do: * attend a sleepover * have a playdate * be in a school play * complain about not being in a school play * watch TV or play computer games * choose their own extracurricular activities * get any grade less than an A * not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama * play any instrument other than the piano or violin * not play the piano or violin. Ms. Chua received ample criticism after the WSJ essay which is an excerpt from her parenting book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." Nevertheless, the book went on to become a national bestseller as American mothers thought to learn more about her Tiger Mother techniques. The latest news reports that Ms. Chua's eldest daughter, Sophia, has been accepted by both Harvard and Yale University.

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