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A hazard is an area of a golf course in the sport of golf which provides a difficult obstacle. Which may be of three types: (1) water hazards such as lakes and rivers; (2) man-made hazards such as bunkers; and (3) natural hazards such as dense vegetation. Special rules apply to playing balls that fall in a hazard. For example, a player may not touch the ground with his club before playing a ball, not even for a practice swing. A ball in any hazard may be played as it lies without penalty. If it cannot be played from the hazard, the ball may be hit from another location, generally with a penalty of one stroke.

  • Część mowy: rzeczownik
  • Synonim(y):
  • Blosariusze:
  • Branża/Dziedzina: Sport
  • Kategoria: Golf
  • Company:
  • Produkt:
  • Akronim-Skrót:
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