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црвени северни фликер

The Red-shafted Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) is a medium-sized member of the woodpecker family. Native to western North America, it's one of the few woodpecker species that migrate. With bright red under the tail and underwings and red shafts on their primaries, they are the only woodpeckers that often feed on the ground. The adult Red-shafted Northern Flicker has a beige cap and a grey face. Males have a red moustache.

  • Część mowy: rzeczownik
  • Synonim(y):
  • Blosariusze:
  • Branża/Dziedzina: Zwierzęta
  • Kategoria: Ptaki
  • Company:
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  • Akronim-Skrót:
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