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panayam para makita ang pag-uugali
An interview to assess the characteristics of the interviewee's personality, to see whether he/she will suit the organization and role applied for. Questions will encourage the interviewee to name specific occasions in the past where certain behaviors were displayed.
Udoskonal to
- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
- Blosariusze:
- Branża/Dziedzina: Usługi biznesowe
- Kategoria: Zasoby ludzkie
- Company:
- Produkt:
- Akronim-Skrót:
Inne języki:
Co chcesz powiedzieć?
Terminy w aktualnościach
Wyróżnione terminy
produkto ng pag-aaral
End result of a process of learning; what one has learned.
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