Home > Terms > Hiszpański, Ameryki Łacińskiej (XL) > herencia mendeliana
herencia mendeliana
The mode of inheritance of all diploid species, and therefore of nearly all multicellular organisms. Inheritance is controlled by genes, which are passed on to the offspring in the same form as they were inherited from the previous generation. At each locus an individual has two genes -- one inherited from its father and the other from its mother. The two genes are represented in equal proportions in its gametes.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
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- Branża/Dziedzina: Archeologia
- Kategoria: Ewolucja
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Branża/Dziedzina: Archeologia Kategoria: Ewolucja
deriva genética
Changes in the frequencies of alleles in a population that occur by chance, rather than because of natural selection.
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