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pasteles en hoja
Pasteles en hoja are a starchy dough based dish that is wrapped in plantain leaves. The dough is made of plantain and other vegetables like squash, yuca and green bananas. It is filled with meat of your choice but the most popular choices are ground beef or chicken. This is the quintessential Christmas dish in the Dominican Republic.
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- Część mowy: rzeczownik
- Synonim(y):
- Blosariusze: Dominican slang
- Branża/Dziedzina: Żywność (inne)
- Kategoria: Potrawy zagraniczne
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Branża/Dziedzina: Żywność (inne) Kategoria: Potrawy zagraniczne
Mangú is a Dominican traditional side dish served for breakfast, lunch or dinner.It´s made up of boiled green plantains. The plantains are then mashed ...
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